Want to add daily support for the next 30 days?

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If you're wanting to make sure you're applying what you're learning or maybe get a jumpstart, we created The Simple 10 - a daily video in your inbox where you'll get your suggested focus task (something specific to focus on) PLUS a private Facebook community where you'll have a place to ask questions about what you're learning each day for 30 days. Your first email will arrive on Monday, May 4.

For just $1 a day, you can add the support of The Simple 10 to your Less is More transformation!


Who is The Simple 10 add-on for? The Simple 10 add-on is for you if you are someone who:

  • starts new things but then often loses motivation
  • likes to ask questions about what you're learning
  • feels like you're on the endlessly spinning hamster wheel every day
  • is more likely to follow through with someone to touch base with every day (or as needed)
  • is eager to get started on your transformation right away
  • struggles to find the time to implement new things
  • finds implementing new ideas at all difficult
  • starts things and often doesn't finish them
  • has trouble with procrastination
  • finds finishing a task difficult
  • is often interrupted during the day
  • thinks, "just tell me what to do & I'll do it"
  • likes having a clear game plan every day
  • learns best with things broken down step by step
  • wants to increase your changes of a lasting transformation
  • is a visual learner or learns best with real-time examples
  • finds 1:1 help beneficial
  • feels like you're at the end of your rope
  • has an already overloaded plate

Watch this video so you'll know for sure

Frequently Asked Questions About The Simple 10

  • Why isn't this all included together? We wanted to make sure that everyone could afford the valuable and timely content that is in Less Is More, therefore we wanted to give you the option to add on the daily videos as well as the community aspect & daily help.
  • What is The Simple 10? Think of it as your daily daily briefing, assignment & encouragement/support group all in one.
  • When will The Simple 10 take place? Your video will arrive every morning from May 4-May 31, and you'll be encouraged to hop into the Facebook group once a day when you have a minute just to check in & make sure you're caught up.
  • Do I have to be on Facebook? If you want to be able to ask questions or check-in, then yes. But, the bulk of what you need every day will arrive in your inbox.
  • What if I can't commit to every day or something comes up? Because the daily videos are emailed, you can just work through them as you can. If you save the emails, you can even watch them again and again.
  • What happens after May 31st? The emails will stop, but you'll be able to reference them anytime as long as you save them. You will always be able to check in inside the Facebook community if you wish or find that helpful.
  • Will I have to participate? No. You can just watch the videos if you prefer.
  • How much does The Simple 10 add-on cost? It is $1 a day, paid as a $30 purchase when you checkout using the correct buttons here.
  • How is The Simple 10 different from Less is More? With The Simple 10 there is a daily focus given, and there is the option to ask questions or get feedback in the community. It is the very best way to get a jumpstart on what you're learning.
  • I'm struggling with which option to choose, can you help? Make sure to watch the video above. Testers have found it to be super helpful in deciding to add on The Simple 10. You can also email me.

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ⓒ 2020 | The Intentional Mom